Why stones?
In the story of David and Goliath, a young shepherd boy takes on a 9ft giant and wins. This is a huge victory on its own, but particularly awesome in that David destroyed this giant with just 5 stones and a slingshot. David was out matched in size, strength and weaponry, and yet he was victorious over Goliath and the entire Philistine Army.
Did you ever wonder why he used stones? He was a shepherd boy and part of his job was to protect the sheep from predators. In those days, a slingshot and some stones worked quite well. When David decided to take on this giant who was mocking his God, he used what he regularly used, he chose the weapon that had become second nature to employ, the tool that was required for him to do his job with the flocks of sheep. He used a slingshot and stones to take down a giant.
Why is this spectacular? Because God designed us with certain sets of skills and personality traits, he gave us strengths and talent. And it is those things that are the tools to use to do His work.
God didn't expect David to quickly train up to use a sword, or to manufacture artillery or any other type of weapon to take on Goliath, he expected David to use what he was already using.
This is what we are expected to do. We are called to use the things already at our disposal to reach out to others, to do God's will, and to take down Giants.