Dad is a side of Ranch

My dad is like ranch dressing.
Carrots, broccoli, dry roast, plain baked potato . . . . these are all things that I don't particularly like to ingest, but, coat them in ranch and it all goes down easier.
As it turns out, you can throw ranch on just about anything. Matt has been known to wash my lasagna down with some ranch, chicken nuggets, french fries, and pizza crust have all found their way into a cup of ranch dressing too. What is it about the ranch?
Like ranch dressing, my dad makes difficult situations more tolerable and uneventful things entertaining. If I am stressed, frustrated, confused or just need talk something through, I can call my dad and by the time we hang up, everything seems at least a little better.
Dad is my side of ranch, I hope you have a side of ranch you can call up too.


mrscotis said…
I love your blog and you bring a smile to my face and a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart each time I read it. I miss you so much and love you even more!

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