Resolutions and Blessings
2008 is here and the family is settling into it quite well. The boys are back in school, Matt is getting ready to train and test to fly the shiny helicopter, and I'm starting to accept that I'm no longer on vacation and need to get busy with many of the tasks at hand.
Right now I'm working on my New Year's resolutions. By the time I get them written down January will be over. That only gives me 11 months to accomplish them, but I'll take that into consideration while making my list. Obviously, based on the "Loser Family" post, weight loss is the first of the resolutions (but not the most important one). My second is to read some of those classic literary works that I "skimmed" in high school and college. I'm going for 6 books this year. My plan is to alternate a modern fun read with one of those books from the required reading list about 15 years ago. I'm hoping that I'll fall in love with the classics or at least learn something along the way. I want to get my digital photos organized and the last one that I've come up with so far is to do a little clean sweeping around the house. The idea of moving half of the junk we have that we never use makes me crazy. I figure if I work on it all this year, I'll have less of a headache when it comes time to move.
So as I was looking back on 2007 and trying to think of things I wanted to do different in 2008, I couldn't help but just feel overwhelmingly blessed. Truly blessed. We had such a fun year. There was a lot of beach time, travel - near and far, family time, and just so much laughter and fun. I was really blessed by friends this year too. We spent a good chunk of time with Tom and Mika which is amazing considering we leave on opposite sides of the country and Matt and I were blessed with a whole new group of friends here in Northern Virginia. I would have never guessed that 4 other families could become so special to me in such a short amount of time. Our lives were truly changed when we started attending a bible study once a week with our friends. Matt and I have never committed to any group of people like we have here. They have become part of our celebrations, our trials, and our everyday life. I always figured Matt and I would just have each other as we passed through each of our duty stations. Sure there would be great friends that we would meet along the way and cherish for the long haul, but our "home" would always be somewhere other than where we currently lived. Not true anymore. This is our home. We have established . . . . ROOTS. As exciting as it is to really have a sense of home and community here, it is also so scary. Leaving is hard enough when you merely like where you live and like the people that surround you, but leaving someplace that you actually feel like you belong and leaving people you love that is a different story. Thankfully, not a story I have to live quite yet!
I'm excited about 2008 because I am excited about what is in store for my family. I see so much growth in Matt and I as individuals, as a couple, and as parents and I can't even imagine what the kids are going to learn and do this year! And I'm so excited about all of the great things that we will experience this year and all of the many blessings that I'll be able to look back on when the year comes to an end.
I also resolve to write shorter blogs. I just looked over this one and realized that I ramble too much!
Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve with our small group. We hosted an 80's Murder Mystery Party complete with a murder, dancing, 80's trivia, 80's charades, a champagne toast at midnight and lots of laughs!
Right now I'm working on my New Year's resolutions. By the time I get them written down January will be over. That only gives me 11 months to accomplish them, but I'll take that into consideration while making my list. Obviously, based on the "Loser Family" post, weight loss is the first of the resolutions (but not the most important one). My second is to read some of those classic literary works that I "skimmed" in high school and college. I'm going for 6 books this year. My plan is to alternate a modern fun read with one of those books from the required reading list about 15 years ago. I'm hoping that I'll fall in love with the classics or at least learn something along the way. I want to get my digital photos organized and the last one that I've come up with so far is to do a little clean sweeping around the house. The idea of moving half of the junk we have that we never use makes me crazy. I figure if I work on it all this year, I'll have less of a headache when it comes time to move.
So as I was looking back on 2007 and trying to think of things I wanted to do different in 2008, I couldn't help but just feel overwhelmingly blessed. Truly blessed. We had such a fun year. There was a lot of beach time, travel - near and far, family time, and just so much laughter and fun. I was really blessed by friends this year too. We spent a good chunk of time with Tom and Mika which is amazing considering we leave on opposite sides of the country and Matt and I were blessed with a whole new group of friends here in Northern Virginia. I would have never guessed that 4 other families could become so special to me in such a short amount of time. Our lives were truly changed when we started attending a bible study once a week with our friends. Matt and I have never committed to any group of people like we have here. They have become part of our celebrations, our trials, and our everyday life. I always figured Matt and I would just have each other as we passed through each of our duty stations. Sure there would be great friends that we would meet along the way and cherish for the long haul, but our "home" would always be somewhere other than where we currently lived. Not true anymore. This is our home. We have established . . . . ROOTS. As exciting as it is to really have a sense of home and community here, it is also so scary. Leaving is hard enough when you merely like where you live and like the people that surround you, but leaving someplace that you actually feel like you belong and leaving people you love that is a different story. Thankfully, not a story I have to live quite yet!
I'm excited about 2008 because I am excited about what is in store for my family. I see so much growth in Matt and I as individuals, as a couple, and as parents and I can't even imagine what the kids are going to learn and do this year! And I'm so excited about all of the great things that we will experience this year and all of the many blessings that I'll be able to look back on when the year comes to an end.
I also resolve to write shorter blogs. I just looked over this one and realized that I ramble too much!
Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve with our small group. We hosted an 80's Murder Mystery Party complete with a murder, dancing, 80's trivia, 80's charades, a champagne toast at midnight and lots of laughs!