New Shoes and Jammers

For some reason both of my boys decided at the very last minute that they wanted to participate in winter sports.  I spent today scheduling walk-in sports physicals, taking them to the appointments, filling out a thousand pages in registration packets and watching my entire paycheck fly out the window.
In addition to paying for the registration fees and the sports physical fees, we had to make a trip to my local sports store for equipment.  Gabe has decided to join the wrestling team at his school and Eli is joining the diving team at his.  Equipment involves very tight clothing for both, goggles, headgear, and who knows what other accessories will find their way into a gym bag over the coming days.
When the boys started baseball they marched around the house in their cool new hats and jerseys.  When they started basketball they bounced basketballs off everything.  
Getting gear for diving and wrestling isn't nearly as glamorous.  Eli tried on his jammers (really tight swim shorts) and was jumping around the house.  It was weird.  At one point he actually jumped off the stairs.
And Gabe didn't get his uniform yet so he opted to walk around the house in his wrestling shoes and practice outfit.
I'd like to point out that Gabe has never even watched a wrestling match and Eli hasn't seen anyone dive.  Both of them decided to try a new sport because they were looking for something new to do and more importantly, friends are in these sports.
The excitement from both of them was a little bit adorable.  I'm hoping that they learn a lot and at least enjoy themselves for the next few months.
If you need me, I'll be washing tiny garments, and praying away the germs that can be contracted from rolling around on a sweaty mat and inhaling chlorinated humidified air.


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