A few days ago I was texting with a friend about how quickly it seems Christmas has come upon us this year.  My house is decorated, the well thought out gifts are purchased, I've been playing Christmas music since the day after Thanksgiving, but still Christmas seems to have snuck up on me.
My friend wrote "I'm having a hard time being in the spirit of it all."  I could definitely relate. While I have accomplished all of the exterior trappings of Christmas, I lack the interior decorations - my heart isn't prepared for Christmas this year.
After I read her text, I set my phone down to start chipping away at Mt. Laundry and I quickly got lost in my thoughts.  A few minutes in to the folding a very clear thought snuck into my brain, and into my heart.
Not feeling the spirit of Christmas is exactly why we have Christmas.  That is why God sent his son to this Earth, to be our hope for the times when we can't rally hope on our own, and to give us light when our moments are dark.  God knew that times would come when we wouldn't feel like celebrating, where joy would be fleeting, where pain would be overwhelming and so he sent us his son to be the "wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father prince of peace." (Isaiah 9:6)
Maybe sometimes the "spirit" of Christmas is just thankfulness that at the end of this season of lights and gifts, traditions and parties, Jesus will still be here for comfort and peace.  He doesn't need the yule log or twinkling lights, he only needs us to turn to him.

If you have a moment, listen to this beautiful song by Kim Walker Smith Tell Me the Story of Jesus 


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