Missing Episode

Yesterday I was tackling one of my most hated tasks around the house.  Not toilet or bathroom cleaning, mowing the lawn or even laundry.  The task I loath is stuffing the duvet into the duvet cover.

As I was wrestling, literally wrestling, with the duvet cover yesterday a thought popped in to my head.  This is a missing I Love Lucy episode.

I can absolutely picture Lucy trying to get her duvet inside the cover and getting all twisted up, perhaps mummified.  Of course Ethel walks in, is scared to death as a mummy version of Lucy is walking toward her screaming "help".  It is all sorted out after Lucy trips over the ottoman and Ethel realizes it isn't a mummy, just her BFF trapped in her duvet.  She pulls Lucy out and the bed gets made just before Desi comes in the front door.

I don't know why I have such a difficult time with this task.  For this reason alone, being a maid in Europe is not an option.

Yesterday's adventure was made even more challenging since I just bought a king size duvet and cover.  Now I have even more fabric to get twisted and tangled into the duvet cover.

This task is usually Matt's.  He can do it one handed, while texting.

I have watched him and considered following his example of "how to stuff a duvet into the cover...the right way", however he uses a method I simply cannot imagine copying.  He holds the corners of the duvet and plunges head-first into the cover.  Here is the problem....I have a serious fear of going head-first into a sleeping bag or duvet cover or anything that resembles something that I could end up getting trapped in.  So, I try and try to stuff that darn duvet in that cover and eventually after breaking out into a full sweat and slightly panicking as I peer into the cover to see what is going wrong, I complete the task.  I'm determined not to have to do it again before Matt gets home.  I'll bribe the kids, or go without a duvet, I cannot submit myself to this torture again....ever.


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