The Fine Print
I was finally officially offered the job! I got the call yesterday and should start tomorrow!
Today I went into HR to turn in a bunch of paperwork and sign a hundred pages. One page in particular stood out. It was entitled "Payroll".
I read through the details and found one nice little tidbit: the job only requires a High School Diploma or GED and the salary listed in the job announcement is based on someone at that education level, however, there is a salary scale based on years of experience and education. Nice little surprise. This girl has zero official years of experience, but I have my BA so I max out the pay scale for zero experience with a degree. This means my purse will be filled with a whole $1.25 more per hour. That should earn me at least a few cups o Starbucks a week!
Oh but wait....there was another little tidbit that the HR associate kindly pointed out: although I will only be employed and working for the district for 6 weeks (31 days to be exact) the pay is prorated over 4 months. So basically, I will get paid for 1.5 weeks a work per month from the end of May until the end of August. Don't laugh too hard now.
Between my pay being prorated, taxes, union fees, fingerprinting and background fees, and whatever else, I'm guessing I won't get my Starbucks coffee until the end of June...after I've actually finished working!
I am enormously thankful that our family wasn't counting on me making any money this year at all! I can't imagine if this income was imperative for our existence. I suppose someone who has worked for a school before or has more knowledge than I do, would know that pay is prorated from September to August. But I had no idea, and I thought I would work a month, get paid that month, and pay off Matt's college debt for this semester. Silly me.
Since today is my last day as a stay-at-home mom for the next six weeks, I'm filling my day with meal planning, grocery shopping, folding laundry and I may just take a nap, because I can.