Voice of Defeat
I have a Nike+ gadget that is supposed to help track my runs. It is quite handy. I have a little sensor on my shoe and the receiver is in my iPod. I pick my music, tell the ipod what my running goal is (10 miles, 1 hour, 5k...) and then push start and oila, I'm off.
The ipod plays music and then when I reach certain points along the run a little voice chimes in and says something like "1 mile" or "halfway point". It can also tell me at any point during the run what my current distance, time and pace is. Like I said, quite handy.
IF, it works correctly. I fired the gadget up on Saturday before my big 10 mile run and was planning to just run out 5 miles and then when I reached the half-way point, turn around and come back. However, about 25 minutes into my run it hadn't chimed in yet to give me some encouraging words about how far I had gone. When I pushed the button to get some feedback it said "time 25 minutes 10 seconds, distance .85 miles, current pace 0 minute mile." I almost cried right then and there.
When I'm running around in a big forrest, I have no idea how far I have gone and how much further I need to go in order to reach my goal distance. My broken device was no longer helping me keep track of my pace and distance, it was working against me. Every time it said something to me like "1 hour 5 minutes, 2 miles completed, current pace 18 minutes" I felt so discouraged, frustrated, and I wanted to quit.
I finally convinced myself that I was running at my normal pace and if I ran for about 2 hours I would run my 10 miles. It was going to be fine, I was doing good, I just needed to keep running.
But then the voice when pop up again and defeat me with its lies.
Sound familiar?
I decided my ipod voice was Satan. I knew the truth, that I was doing what was right and I was running a good "race" but then that voice would try to steal my joy and take away the momentum I had. Whenever it spoke, I started to worry about how far I had gone and how much further I needed to go. I allowed this voice of lies to defeat me, instead of listening to what I knew to be true.
"I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them....but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet."
Romans 16:17-20
I'm crushing the darn Nike+ chip and relying on a GPS from now on.
The ipod plays music and then when I reach certain points along the run a little voice chimes in and says something like "1 mile" or "halfway point". It can also tell me at any point during the run what my current distance, time and pace is. Like I said, quite handy.
IF, it works correctly. I fired the gadget up on Saturday before my big 10 mile run and was planning to just run out 5 miles and then when I reached the half-way point, turn around and come back. However, about 25 minutes into my run it hadn't chimed in yet to give me some encouraging words about how far I had gone. When I pushed the button to get some feedback it said "time 25 minutes 10 seconds, distance .85 miles, current pace 0 minute mile." I almost cried right then and there.
When I'm running around in a big forrest, I have no idea how far I have gone and how much further I need to go in order to reach my goal distance. My broken device was no longer helping me keep track of my pace and distance, it was working against me. Every time it said something to me like "1 hour 5 minutes, 2 miles completed, current pace 18 minutes" I felt so discouraged, frustrated, and I wanted to quit.
I finally convinced myself that I was running at my normal pace and if I ran for about 2 hours I would run my 10 miles. It was going to be fine, I was doing good, I just needed to keep running.
But then the voice when pop up again and defeat me with its lies.
Sound familiar?
I decided my ipod voice was Satan. I knew the truth, that I was doing what was right and I was running a good "race" but then that voice would try to steal my joy and take away the momentum I had. Whenever it spoke, I started to worry about how far I had gone and how much further I needed to go. I allowed this voice of lies to defeat me, instead of listening to what I knew to be true.
"I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them....but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet."
Romans 16:17-20
I'm crushing the darn Nike+ chip and relying on a GPS from now on.