
Sometimes it feels great to learn the truth about a particular situation, sometimes it doesn't change a thing, and other times it hurts. That's the funny thing about truth. We think we want it, but then the revelation can make us wish we were still in the dark.
In the past few weeks the truth about a lot of different things has been revealed to me. I have seen truth in elements of my personality, my role as a mom and as a wife, and the true character of some people around me. Some of these truths have hurt, others quite refreshing.
A few weeks ago I gave a friend of mine an old dress for her to use for fabric. The print of the dress was cute but the style was off. I held onto it hoping that it would somehow fix itself in my closet. But after two years, I gave up.
Since my friend sews and has a few little girls, I figured she could do something fun with the dress. Last week she handed me back the dress, repurposed into a skirt. At first I thought she was just showing me what she did with it, but then I realized she was actually giving it to me! She took the cast-off that I gave to her and turned it into to something new and adorable. I was so moved at her kindness. She purposefully created that skirt just for me, out of that fabric, and it was sewn with love. I've known her for awhile, but this gift provided me a clearer picture of who she is and how she thinks. It reveals the truth about who she is inside.
The truths that have been revealed about myself this week are much like that dress. Some parts of me may be cute, but my style is off! If I just give this dress over to Christ, he has promised to repurpose me and return me new and improved and worth far more. And as I see the ugly truth revealed in those around me I can be hurt or frustrated by it or consider them a work in progress as well.


Allison said…
Every time I read this blog I see the situation in a way I would never (in a million years) see it. Thanks for sharing your insight, and I hope you keep on writing.
Rachael said…
I am intrigued by your revelation of truth in certain elements of your personality. Pastor Rod started a sermon series this week about how we are all glory seekers- but this is ok because it is how God created us- in his image to seek glory. I suppose it is really what we do with those character traits. Not sure where I am going with this other than I hope you are not being too hard on yourself . . .

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