Mario Sepulveda

Mario Sepulveda was the second Chilean miner to escape from the pit of the earth and rise to freedom this morning. He jumped out of the escape hatch and was shouting, jumping for joy, hugging people, and even handing out souvenir rocks to the rescuers. 69 days he and the other miners were trapped. 69 days of wondering if and when they would make it home.

What does it take to live in those horrible conditions for 69 days? How tough is it to be essentially buried alive? I was struck by Mr. Sepulveda's comments on his ordeal. He was quoted as saying "I was with God and with the devil. And I reached out for God." I'm sure he was feeling hopeful and in good spirits at times while other times he was feeling darkness and despair weighing heavily on and around him. In the end he chose to reach out for the one who gave him hope.

I was moved by this simple statement because Sepulveda acknowledged the spiritual battle that was taking place within him. Although most of us are not trapped a half mile below the earth, we face situations where we find ourselves in a spiritual tug-o-war between God and the devil. Oh the devil is there, but it is simply our choice to reach out for the one who gives us life, hope, and peace. It is our responsibility to reach out for the one who gives us freedom. It is our choice in the smallest or gravest circumstances to choose to reach out to Jesus Christ.


Rachael said…
did you see this utube video regarding their tshirts?- very cool!
Suzann said…
I'd like to "like" this. Very well done!

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