I Celebrate the Day
I love Christmas music.
If I was forced to choose between the twinklyness of Christmas or Christmas music, it would be a tough call but I would have to go for the music. I simply love it.
We have a standing rule in our house that you cannot play, sing, or hum Christmas tunes until after Thanksgiving. Although that used to mean the day after Thanksgiving, now it is highly likely that the music begins to play upon completion of our Thanksgiving meal.
New Christmas albums are always one of my first holiday purchases. I scour the internet for new albums and snatch up anything that melts my heart. We have about 40 albums to choose from, but my favorite are the Denton Christmas Mix. Each year our friends Wesley and Kari put together a fabulous collection of new and old songs, country, rock, children's songs and classics. The albums are super! I impatiently wait for the latest edition and try to guess what kind of magic the Dentons are creating with their Christmas mix.
I digress.
A few days ago a Christmas tune popped into my head illegally, and I can't get it out. It is called "I Celebrate the Day" performed by Reliant K, a Christian rock band. I like the song, and I particularly love the lyrics. One of my favorite lines is "And I, I celebrate the day That You were born to die So I could one day pray for You to save my life." This is what it is about people. Magical lyrics, set to rockin' tunes, telling the world about Christ's arrival into the grand scheme of life. Awesome.
26 days until Christmas music.