A sad day.

We have the "old-fashioned" sanitation trucks where there is a driver and a guy that physically picks up our trash and loads it in the back of the truck. Our neighborhood is pretty tricky to get the big trucks through, there are quite a few one-way streets and all of the trash cans are in the allies. Every week, on Monday and Thursday our garbage guys weave their way through the neighborhood disposing of our stinky trash. Gabriel rushes to the window whenever he can to watch at the guys at work. He loves to play "garbage man" in the grocery store by hanging on to the side of the cart, like the garbage man does in our neighborhood.
Today, our garbage man died. Mika and I were coming back into the neighborhood on our way home from the gym when we came upon a very sad scene. At first we just saw police tape and a lot of police cars, but when we rounded the corner and saw the garbage truck and a white plastic sheet on the ground behind it, we knew what happened. Our garbage man was accidentally ran over as the driver of the truck was reversing.
It is just over a week before Christmas, and today a wife and three kids found out their loved one died. Mika and I couldn't stop thinking about the accident, the loss of the family, and how horrible the driver must feel.
Praying for the driver and the family that experienced a great loss . . . .


Oh, Clarissa. This is so, so sad. My heart breaks for that family and his friends. We will add them to our prayers!!!
Unknown said…
oh my goodness . . . carter loves to watch that same garbage man . . . i can hardly believe it . . .

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