Grandpa's Baptism
In the Christian faith, baptism is a symbol of dying to yourself and being raised up from the waters as a new life in Christ. It is a step that Christians believe is a public profession of being a follower of Christ.
Five years ago my Grandpa was baptized. It isn't everyday that you see an old guy get baptized. Getting someone who is mobility-challenged down some steps into water and back out required some work and planning, but Grandpa was willing to find a way to do it. When the pastor asked why he decided to be baptized my grandpa's response was simple "I love Jesus."
Today as Grandpa's health deteriorates he and the family take comfort in knowing that when his time on this earth is done, he will go home to be with his Lord and Savior. I like to look back at these pictures and remind myself of this really special day. The sweet smile and total joy upon my grandpa's face was priceless - today he only faintly resembles the man five years ago - but when he is gone this is the grandpa I will remember.