32 Loads of Laundry

I think I did 32 loads of laundry in one week. It all started when I ran out of my monster Costco container of detergent. I already had a few loads waiting to be washed, but instead of rushing out and picking up some detergent, I put it off. One thing led to another and by the time I purchased the detergent I had the leaning tower of jeans to deal with. But 32 loads? Really? As laundry began making it's way from the hampers to the washer, to the dryer, to the couch (my folding spot) into the drawers I began to feel like I was sure doing a ton of laundry.
Just a bit ago I started another load and noticed the laundry detergent was feeling low. I looked at the magic number on the container and it said that nice little container could do 32 loads!! So either the Tide people are lying, I can't measure properly, or I actually will accomplish the task of washing, drying and folding 32 loads of laundry in 7 days. Unbelievable.
I know, you are wondering what kind of dirty pig am I do have 32 loads of laundry laying around. That is the thing, it isn't that it is all laying around - it is that laundry is an endless cycle of dirtiness.
Genesis teaches us that painful labor was a direct result of Eve's "craving" in the garden of eden. Eve often gets the blame for the drama involved in delivering our children. Quite frankly, I'd like to talk to Adam and Eve about sewing clothes that I and women throughout history have to wash, dry, fold, and put away over and over and over again.


Unknown said…
As I am reading this I am smiling because just tonight I finished my "last" load of laundry from the garage hamper. As I was putting a stack away, I passed by the bedroom hamper and OH THE HORROR there was MORE laundry. I actually thought for a moment that I would just throw those clothes away!! They were Tom's and he wouldn't miss them. I just wanted to be able to say I, for once, FINISHED the task of the laundry!!!
Unknown said…
32 loads- seriously? I know it is the endless task, but that is quite impressive! Perhaps I should aim for a similar goal . . . kind of like, how low can you go . . . that is how low on shirts, socks, undies can we go? I am sure Ryan will appreciate that you are the inspiration for this game!

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