At this time I am pleased to announce that I have almost survived September without dying.  After all these death posts and then a long absence, I'm sure some may have started thinking that I may have in fact shot straight up to heaven.  Not true.  I'm still here.

I'm alive and mostly well, working, doing homework with kids, falling in love with and taking care of our neighbor's dog, not effectively making dinner on a regular basis and watching laundry pile up.  Things are great!  Sure I could be more on top of things but as long as the kids have one more pair of clean unders and weather appropriate clothes for school, I'm not stressing about the dust on the window ledges and pile of shoes in the hall.

A few nights ago at dinner I said to the boys " we have a pretty cool family don't you think?"  They both said "yes".  Eli laughed and said we were "funny, loving, and authentic".  I was giddy at his description of us.  I asked what do you think makes us authentic?  He said "I don't really know what authentic means, it just sounded good".  Darn.  I loved that description and I hope it is always true!


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