Writing on the Wall

My bathrooms are disgusting. I clean them....daily but my scrubbers, bleach wipes, and lysol spray are no match for the male people in my life.
Each bathroom has a toilet with a) a flushing mechanism b) a toilet brush for further poo removal c) clorox bleach wipes to rid the seat, floor and wall of any accidental drippings and d) me readily available to assist in any clean-ups that may be required if one feels the need for back-up.
And yet..... I regularly, I'm talking DAILY walk into a bathroom to be greeted by urine or something worse simmering in the toilet.
So, I decided I needed to place a little reminder in the boys' bathroom. The walls are tile. This makes cleaning the bathroom thoroughly easy. I start with the toxic spray at the top of the wall and wipe down every square of the wall and floor tile.... tile walls also provide a handy place to use a dry-erase marker to leave little notes. Or in this case, big notes.
Flush = flush the toilet.
Clean= make use of the toilet brush if needed and those clorox wipes stored under the sink.
Lid= put the entire lid down.
Wash= wash your hands.
Tonight I walked into the bathroom and below this blaring writing on the wall was a toilet with the lid up and poop in the toilet. I went high-side on the boys. I weeded out the owner of the little treasure left in the toilet and then went crazy on him.
Really. Even if you don't do the cleaning just flush the toilet. FLUSH the TOILET!!!
I managed to lower my blood pressure long enough to utter the words to our new toilet policy:
Effective immediately there will be a $1 fine imposed for all non-flushing incidents.
One way or another I will conquer my stinky bathrooms once and for all!


Unknown said…
This just made me laugh out loud. I so wish I could do this!
Rachael said…
HILARIOUS! Carter and Tyler and I got a good laugh at the new bathroom rules- love it! I remember you bemoaning the same things when living in Belmont Bay . . . some things may never change!
Allison said…
Ha ha!! Way to go.

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