Flashback Week. One Year.

One year ago today, July 1st, my family strolled into Dulles Airport with the maximum allowable amount of luggage and officially gave up residency in Northern Virginia.
Our possessions were either on a ship crossing the Atlantic, in a storage unit in Northern Virginia, at the Good Will, or on our persons. We said our goodbyes, we cried all the tears we could cry, and I let my Costco membership expire.
This day marked the end of the amazing time we had while living in the DC area, it meant saying goodbye to the wonderful friends we made there, and leaving behind a life that we had enjoyed so much. Leaving a home had never been so hard and leaving friends never left me feeling so empty.
One year has passed in a blink. I still think about our Virginia life regularly. The boys and I chat about the things we used to do and reminisce about the good times we had with friends. There is still a little emptiness, a longing to have a piece of that back again but our days are filling more and more with new adventures, new friends, and new memories.
July 1st we left Virginia, and a little piece of me will always be there.


Rachael said…
Sweet friend~ We think, often, of that sad day as well. We just recently were at Herndon days and drove past that italian rest. we ate at that last night near your hotel. I told Ryan how Tyler was a handful but Matt was so patient with him and did lots of entertaining! It made me teary thinking of all the tears we shed in that parking lot. We also just watched the video of Tyler's dedication and saw Tyler take some of his first steps with Matt . . . so sweet. The boys were drawing yesterday and Carter drew mom, dad, tyler, kate, eli and gabe! Your boys are at the top of his list! We too, think of you often and also have a little empty spot where your family once was.

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