Next Stop: MONTANA!!
I'm super excited for our family's big move to Montana! Rolling hills, raging rivers, mountains in the distance and the big open sky.
I have a growing to-do list before the big move. I'll list them here in order of importance.
1. Find a job in Montana.
2. Convince Matt that he wants to move to Montana too.
3. Figure out what cities are in Montana. (Maybe that should be moved up in the order of importance? I should probably know what cities are there so I know where to find Matt a job)
4. Learn to fish and/or hunt. (I think that's a requirement in Montana.)
5. Buy a house.
6. Take a self-help class to try to stop loving: the ocean and going to MLB and MLS games
7. Re-consider Montana
I had a bad day today.
I've been at the high school for almost 3 weeks now and I think it is just a little too much for me. The kids there...I honestly have no words to describe the complete disrespect they have for teachers, each other and the fact that they have been handed a free education. A free education. Free books, free instruction, and resources galore and they squander what has been given to them.
I should clarify that I only work with a select group of students who have been designated to have some form of learning disability. So they are probably not an accurate representation of all the students at the school, but when you have a so much negative surrounding you all day for 3 weeks, it is easy to feel like "everyone" is horrible.
I walked through the office today and saw a student sitting with her service animal. It was a pit bull. A PIT BULL. To top of the odd sight of a pit bull with a service animal vest on, the pit bull had on a metal muzzle. The kind kujo wears.
The world it crazy.
Its time to move to Montana.
Maybe in Montana high school kids don't sit back on their phones all day doing nothing in school. Maybe there isn't adequate enough cell reception for them to be on their phones. Maybe there isn't a task force that busts a drug ring at the high school, maybe kids don't talk openly in front of adults about getting high, and maybe they are thankful for their education and actually use the brains they were given to try a little.
Or maybe not.
But at least it doesn't rain for a million days straight in Montana.
I am done with the rain,
and done with the high school kids.
Someone give me a baby to hold and a sunny day or this woman is going to lose her mind.