Run Forest Run

It has been about 3 months since this body did anything related to working out. I was getting ready for the move in June, vacationing in July, and simply surviving August. Now that September is here I'm ready to run.
For the past 3 years I have been a member of my local Gold's Gym. There were two gyms within 5 miles of my house that I could use. They have childcare on site, a fabulous smoothie bar, and air conditioning. About 6 months after joining Golds I turned 30 and was in the best physical shape of my life. I loved the feeling of being strong and fit. I didn't diet as much as I just watched what I ate and worked out 4-5 days a week. It really was about working out, getting strong and being healthy.
Since then my weight and fitness level have fluctuated, but for the most part, when I am eating healthy and working out regularly I feel good and I'm comfortable with my body. When I found out that Gabe wouldn't be able to go to Kindergarten here, my first concern was "how am I going to work out?" The gym on post doesn't have childcare (or a smoothie bar and a/c but that is irrelevant) so I can't work out during the day. The thought of being out of the gym for a year scared me - so I decided to do the only thing I could think of, run.
My plan is to run every day after I drop Eli off for school. Right now, Gabe is in the jogger - which makes running even more of a work out, but hopefully he can get over his fears of falling off his bike (fully equip with training wheels) and start riding while I run. We are so blessed to have a forest right behind our house. It is so beautiful! There are a bunch of dirt trails that weave through it and a few paved paths as well. The sun shines down through the treetops and illuminates this beautiful natural area. There are a ton of walkers that go through there with their little ski pole looking walking sticks and they always say "morgen" to me. That is just a little bonus.
So, I started running on Monday. The first and second day were torture. My knee was screaming the whole time and my body was flat out protesting. Day three was much better, I picked up the pace a bit and was pain free. Thursday it rained. I'm not talking about a sprinkling, I'm talking about a full on downpour, tear leaves off the trees, puddle making rain. And I ran. I put the rain shield on the stroller and ran. I was soaking wet, water was dripping off my hat, I hid my ipod in my shorts to keep it dry, and I ran all 5k. It felt great. Today, I ran hard, finished in a good time, and saw a hedgehog along the way. Week one done. 5k a day for a week despite the pain, rain, and blisters from my hand-made German not-so-comfort shoes.
I know I can do it, now I just have to keep it up.


Suzann said…
Hooray for you! I wish I could say I was as successful. I'm best with 3 days a week now and a swollen knee. But I'm going to get there, too :0)
Christy said…
hey, me too! not every day, but I'm running. I started taking the boys to the track - I push Daniel and the big boys play on the bleachers. gotta figure out something. (and you look great!)

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